Running an OpenVPN server on linode VPSes?

Feasible on linodes? … g-feasible">

4 Replies

Great, thx! Quoting from … 0.04-lucid"> :

> For many private networking tasks, we urge users to consider the many capabilities of the OpenSSH package which can provide easier VPN and VPN-like services. OpenSSH is also installed and configured by default on all Linodes. Nevertheless, if your deployment requires a more traditional VPN solution like OpenVPN, this document covers the installation and configuration of the OpenVPN software.

Got references to OpenSSH-based config? Alas… I can't imaging how a client machine setup works for OpenSSH architecture. Especially for "non-techie"/Windows users. With OpenVPN, the client setup is (relatively) easy. Namely OpenVPN GUI for Windows or TunnelBlick for MacOS.

Thought on / references for OpenSSH-base VPN?

Also: … 0.04-lucid"> appears to be thorough, but having hard time clearly differentiating betweem steps/procedures requires to one-time/initially setup the VPN server, vs procedures need to add (or remove) a new user/client (performed repeatedely over time as people are added or removed from the collaboration team).

eg: there's very technical talk of "creating keys" and similar language, and it's not always clear if said key (or other artifact) creation is for server-side or client side.

Thoughts, comments?

Also: is there Linode StackScript for the above setup/config?

Even seeking StackScripts who might employ OpenVPN or OpenSSH vpn building only as part of their function… and/or StackScripts that only perform part of the above procedure.


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