Apache module not installing with PHP

I used a stackscript to get a LEMP server setup, and now I'm trying to install Apache to run a proxy pass setup. PHP-FPM was installed with the stack script.

I've followed the instructions in this guide


but there is no /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini file and when I run apachectl -M it does not show the php module as loaded.

I ran apt-get remove php5 and reinstalled it, but the module is still missing.

I'm not a server "ninja" but normally figure this stuff out, and this is leaving me a bit stumped.


1 Reply

There are two methods for running PHP through Apache; either running it as a module, or running it as a CGI add-on (if you do, running it under FastCGI is usually recommended). If you want to run it as a module, you'll need to install libapache2-mod-php5.


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