What is the maximum number of newsletters that could be sent

Hi forum,

This is pertaining to the site www.dentistrytoday.info ( made in DRUPAL 6.2) .

We have a newsletter module and we are using it once in 7 to 15 days to send newsletters to a very limited number of users ( 592 to be precise).

We want to scale up the number of users to 35,000 ( or even more )step by step.

We would like to send them a dental newsletter once a week. Needless to say all the usual features of the newsletter module will be there ( like the unsubscription facility etc.)

Please let me know whether the VPS (linode 512)that I have booked if it will be able to handle the traffic.

What is the maximum number of newsletters that I could possibly sent per day/ week

Thanks and best regards,

Dr. Veerendra Darakh

3 Replies

Some simple math:

1 day in seconds = 86400

If you could send 12 emails/sec (easily) that'd be about a million emails a day. Will that work?

Keep in mind sending emails isn't a one-sided operation – you're at the mercy of remote servers, their networks, the Internet at large, etc. It's not purely a function of a Linode 512's ability to generate bits on the wire (which is a lot)…


That means I need not hire a special mailing server for this purpose. Can DRUPAL 6.2 handle this much of traffic.

I had put up the query on drupal.org but did not get a satisfactory reply and hence i posted the query here also.

Are all functionalities to comprehensively handle the newsletters present in drupal 6.2 ( like unsubscription facility, statistics etc )

Thanks in advance for all the responses.


veerendra darakh

Newsletters are oh so last century.

Today with all the spam, NOBODY wants another 4 page email in their inbox. You'll get a few dozen complaints, and then your IP will be listed on several blacklist services.

Keep your website up to date, if your clients want that info, they'll come to you. If you want to keep your name in your clients face, use twitter and tweet when you update a blog post on your site.

Email is NOT the way to keep your clients informed, they'll perceive it as spam, and walk away.


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