Email rejected from my CentOS

As title,

one of my friend is trying to send me an email but he get this error.

The message WAS NOT relayed to:
  <my email="" addrss="">: said:
   550 5.6.0 Failed, id=24031-05, from MTA([]:10025): 550 Content Rejected; Content Rejected

This nondelivery report was generated by the program amavisd-new at host Our internal reference code for your message is

What's this error? How can I solve it?

The strange things is that I put his email address in the sender_access as ACCEPT.

Any idea?

17 Replies

Is "" your machine? That's the server that's rejecting the mail.

"Content Rejected" - means it's not the address that's the problem, it's the message itself

"amavisd-new" is anti-malware.

So smtp-out06 is rejecting the message possibly because it thinks there's a virus in it


Is "" your machine? That's the server that's rejecting the mail.

"Content Rejected" - means it's not the address that's the problem, it's the message itself

"amavisd-new" is anti-malware.

So smtp-out06 is rejecting the message possibly because it thinks there's a virus in it

no, is the email provider of the person who is trying to send me the email.


Then your client's email server is dropping your clients outbound email because it detects malware in the emails content.

It's all up to your client to fix the problem (i.e. delouse the workstation that is sending out malware).


Then your client's email server is dropping your clients outbound email because it detects malware in the emails content.

It's all up to your client to fix the problem (i.e. delouse the workstation that is sending out malware).

ok, thanks.

<my email="" address="">: host[] said: 550 5.6.0 Failed, id=31153-07, from MTA([]:10025): 550 Content Rejected; Content Rejected (in reply to end of DATA command)</my>

it seems that the server that is rejecting the email is mine.

why it rejects the email from

Is your e-mail server trying to forward incoming e-mail to a different e-mail address, like this?

[your friend's e-mail] -> (handled by your Linode server) –> alias/forward to:

If that's the case, it might help to explain why the server is the one responding with this message.

In any case, there seems to be something in the e-mail message itself that the content filter (amavisd-new) running on perceives as spam or malware (possible virus/trojan/similar). Could you give us an example of what was supposed to be in the contents of the e-mail your friend was trying to send to you?


Is your e-mail server trying to forward incoming e-mail to a different e-mail address, like this?

[your friend's e-mail] -> (handled by your Linode server) –> alias/forward to:

If that's the case, it might help to explain why the server is the one responding with this message.

In any case, there seems to be something in the e-mail message itself that the content filter (amavisd-new) running on perceives as spam or malware (possible virus/trojan/similar). Could you give us an example of what was supposed to be in the contents of the e-mail your friend was trying to send to you?

My email server does not forward any email.

The messages I'm receiving is simple text without any words that can be detected as spam.

In the signature, (my friend's email provider), insert normal advertising with text and link.

The problem is that says that the mail is rejected by my server and not by them.

my customer continue to see their email rejected from my VPS.

this is the email that arrive to my customer.

Destinations server rejected message with this cause:


: host[] said: 550 5.6.0

Failed, id=06498-05-3, from MTA([]:10025): 550 Content Rejected;

Content Rejected (in reply to end of DATA command)

is there any reason why my server can reject this messages?

the messages that I should receive are simply text.


What do your logs say?

maillog says nothing interesting, there is no trace of rejected email.

Your mail server will log rejected messages. So, if it's not in your mail server's log, it didn't hit your mail server.

According to the original bounce message at the top of the thread, "This nondelivery report was generated by the program amavisd-new at host" If you aren't, then you didn't generate the nondelivery report.


Your mail server will log rejected messages. So, if it's not in your mail server's log, it didn't hit your mail server.

According to the original bounce message at the top of the thread, "This nondelivery report was generated by the program amavisd-new at host" If you aren't, then you didn't generate the nondelivery report.

no nothing on the log and I'm not, is the smtp server

of my customer. is something like gmail in italy to let you understand what is.

the problem is that says (in italian) that the message was generated by my server.

in addition my customer receive also this message:

Destinations server rejected message with this cause:


: host[] said: 550 5.6.0

Failed, id=06498-05-3, from MTA([]:10025): 550 Content Rejected;

Content Rejected (in reply to end of DATA command)

from this message it seems that is my server that is saying: 550 Content Rejected.

Am I wrong? is that server itself. It's the localhost IP address. Their own mail server is generating the bounce message.

@hoopycat: is that server itself. It's the localhost IP address. Their own mail server is generating the bounce message.

the message says:

: host[] said: 550 5.6.0

so refers to my email address, host is localhost, are you sure that is

the localhost and not my localhost?

Maybe (just maybe) if people wouldn't waste everyone's time f**cking around by hiding THE ACTUAL FREAKING DETAILS, things wouldn't take 50 posts to get solved.

Just an idea.


Maybe (just maybe) if people wouldn't waste everyone's time f**cking around by hiding THE ACTUAL FREAKING DETAILS, things wouldn't take 50 posts to get solved.

Just an idea.

what do you mean? What have I hided?

my email address? do you want my email address?


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