will linode 64 sufficient to run Ensim?

i am thinking to sign up a yearly plan to learn linux server admin, and to become a web host after one year.

i have a Ensim licence, a DA licence, and free webmin, i will try all those on linode, may i know will linode 64 sufficient to run them?

i know 64m RAM should be okay for DA and webmin, it's just Ensim needs min. 256 RAM, has any one run ensim on linode successfully?

will it be helpful if i make a big swap file?

and how many IP address do i need to run a real web server including DNS server, mail server etc, is 2 ips enough, that is for DNS only, will i need more ips?

once decided, i shall purchase a yearly plan.

6 Replies

erm…i have monitored this forum a few days, looks like this forum is not very active. i wonder if the support ticket will have the same responding time?

This forum is normally pretty active in terms of the number of members here but seems to have settled down for the Xmas break. This is not an official support forum either so Chris (caker) is not always able to reply to questions here. Just because you didn't get a reply in 8 hours doesn't mean nobody is here :wink:

Try asking in #linode on irc.oftc.net - that's where most of the folks hang out.

oh…Xmas :wink:

i will be purchasing early next year, so needn't worry, actually i have plenty of time to wait.

maybe i could spend my time read some valuable posts here before i really started.

ah…it's time to plan for a good next year :P

Merry Xmas everyone.


and how many IP address do i need to run a real web server including DNS server, mail server etc, is 2 ips enough, that is for DNS only, will i need more ips?

You can run everything you're describing on one IP address. Whether it's advisable to do so depends on many factors, but it's definitely possible.

64M RAM should be enough to get it running, but I think the question would be how well it would run. Enough at least to get you experience in how everything pulls together in Ensim, plus there are some tricks you can do to optimize mysql/apache/etc for running in low-memory environments.

Learning stuff like that can help tuning performance on larger systesms, too, so it depends on how you look at it.

Also, the swap file your Linode writes to goes first through the host's page cache, so techically its almost like RAM in the first place.

I do have a few customers that I know of who are running Ensim on Linode 64s.



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