We would like to add cPanel to our Linode. How would we go about doing this in Ubuntu 14.4?

We would like to add cPanel to our Linode. I installed Ubuntu 14.4 in the server. How would we go about doing this in Ubuntu 14.4?

2 Replies


Getting cPanel up and running on a Linode is a simple process and we have an excellent guide for it but cPanel is only offered on CentOS so you will need a fresh CentOS 7 installation. Please be aware that Linode does not sell cPanel licenses.

You can follow our Getting Started guide to get a Linode set up with CentOS 7. From there you can begin your cPanel installation. our cPanel Guide will walk you through those steps.

Additionally our Linode Managed service comes with a free cPanel License as well as installation. Linode Managed is a 24/7 Incident response service that can help maximize uptime.

I hope this helps. If you need anything else let us know.



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