kern.log - unexpected entry
my linode has 2 interfaces, lo and eth0.
i have firehol installed to help with iptables, so related log entries contain 'IN-world' and 'OUT-world' to describe incoming/outgoing connections to eth0, which is labelled in firehol config as 'world'
so, in my kern.log i see lots of the following;
Oct 26 14:58:15
where mac-address and ip-address are the mac and public ip for eth0
i do not have a vpn on the linode and i do not use 192.168.x.x on my lan. so how does a private address end up being logged from a public address? is it just the result of a bad/misconfigured router somehwre? or something else?
many thanks
this is apparently normal for a linode operating normally!