apache revert from 2.2.16 to 2.2.14?

So I was trying to upgrade apache2 on 10.4 lucid for PCI reasons and found an article about using a mavrick repo for to upgrade to apaches 2.2.16. http://blog.sidmitra.com/upgrade-to-apa … untu-lucid">http://blog.sidmitra.com/upgrade-to-apache-2216-on-ubuntu-lucid. So I added it and upgraded apache2, and then removed it from my repo list. Of course this was a bad idea in hindsight as now my apt does not work to patch apache and my PCI scan is yelling at me again. What would be my best option to fix this? the server is running an ecommerce site and I need to minimize an downtime fixing it. Can I revert back to apache2 2.2.14? with this fiz my apt? Or am I doomed to a life of manually patching apache?

1 Reply

According to the man page, you should be able to revert to the latest lucid package with apt-get install 'apache2=2.2.14-5ubuntu8.9'. You may also need to include other packages on the command line such as 'apache2-mpm-prefork=2.2.14-5ubuntu8.9' 'apache2-mpm-worker=2.2.14-5ubuntu8.9' 'apache2.2-common=2.2.14-5ubuntu8.9'. If your experiment caused other packages to be pulled from the maverick repository, you'll probably have to revert them as well.


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