Should I Enable Greylisting ?


My set up with dovecot, postfix, mysql, spamassassin etc has greylisting enabled. This makes emails coming to one virtual domain delayed significantly like 10-15 minutes from even yahoo and gmail.

What exactly should I do ? What are my options here ? Should I disable greylisting altogether ?

Thanks in advance

2 Replies

In theory, it's only the first time that domain sends you email that it's delayed. The problem is that big senders (like gmail) use a pool to resend, so it can take lots (and lots and lots and lots) of messages before they are auto-whitelisted. Of course you can always just whitelist gmail (personally, I usually just blacklist yahoo, anyone dumb enough to stick with them must be a spammer - right?).


In theory, it's only the first time that domain sends you email that it's delayed. The problem is that big senders (like gmail) use a pool to resend, so it can take lots (and lots and lots and lots) of messages before they are auto-whitelisted. Of course you can always just whitelist gmail (personally, I usually just blacklist yahoo, anyone dumb enough to stick with them must be a spammer - right?).

Very true. how about aol and hotmail ? :P I get bank of africa emails via them all the time.


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