Build a website to stream video

Can someone point me in the direction, as to what software I need, to create a website to stream video like you tube.

6 Replies

Setup a generic website, link to youtube.

Why would you want to host video (and pay for the storage and bandwidth) when youtube will do it for you?


Setup a generic website, link to youtube.

Why would you want to host video (and pay for the storage and bandwidth) when youtube will do it for you?

Maybe I want to put up movies that I own and sometimes YouTube will flag them as copyright

Maybe this would do it.

Well, i used livestream or and stream, and i copy de embedes html code and put it in to the website.

Or used icecast to make your own audio/video server streamer.

Have you tried videopress from wordpress? I never used it but as far as I remember it allows you run your own video service.

Let us know what solution you go for at the end.


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