Best way to set up multiple sites
I need to set up my main site which will have a domain but then I need to also be able to host client sites/domains as well, I am not sure how to go about this, as of right now I only have 2 client sites that need to be set up but 1 of them needs to have a SSL Certificate for eCommerce.
From reading the site it sounds like I would just add additional sites by adding virtualhost records to Apache. I am curious though is there a way to simplify this? Like install some kind of control panel which can create new accounts/domains for my client sites from a web frontend?
If I can't figure this out I may have to find someone else to do it for me but I would love any advice I can get on how to set this up to simplify adding new client sites in the future as I get more?
2 Replies
Why would you get a VPS system, which offers COMPLETE control of all aspects of your system and then hobble it with a control panel, and a expensive resource sucking panel at that?
If you're the only sysadmin for the box, then control panels are a complete waste. Only IF you need to let your clients manage their own resources is a control panel a necessary evil.