OOPS! A little help... :-|

I added an extra ip address. Made some changes to the server configuration (ubuntu 10.04) and then I clicked the 'Reboot' button from the Linode dashboard. Now I can't login via putty and none of my sites work…oops. Soooo I screwed something up, any advice on what I can do to remedy this situation? Thanks in advance!

4 Replies

Log in to your Linode via Lish; you'll be able to check out your configuration and make corrections.

I submitted support ticket and received a quick response to try logging in via Lish. I'd never tried it before - worked fine. I changed all the configurations back to the way they were then rebooted again. However, something still isn't right my sites are still down so I'm still working on it. I'm pretty confident I changed everything back correctly, but where would you start looking first?

Can you connect via SSH? What do your web server logs say? What's your IP and domain?

Thankfully it was simple fix. I had transposed part of the default gateway address in the interfaces file (doh!). Lessons learned. - Cheers!


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