Question about Cron

I am trying to make the cron work on my linode.

Basically I installed a newletter software on my linode and it requires cron support.

The newsletter software giving me this command to run

> /usr/bin/php -f


After searching on the library I found this

but if I run > crontab -l on my ssh it says

> no crontab for username

Do I need to install/enable cron from somewhere? If yes what is the command?


4 Replies

crontab -e will create a new crontab crontab -e -u username will create a new crontab for username man crontab will provide more help


crontab -e

will create a new crontab crontab -e -u username will create a new crontab for username man crontab will provide more help

Hi obs,

Do I need to create a new cron tab then paste this command?

> /usr/bin/php -f


Couple of questions

1. Is crontabs are domain specific? (I installed the newsletter software on subdomain)

2. Do I really need to create a new user to operate cron jobs?

Have another read of it has some examples of how to schedule crons.

In your case you probably want it running under the www-data or apache2 user (whatever user php runs as) so you'd do crontab -e -u www-data

Then add 0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php -f /home/user/public/
To run the command every day at midnight

I found this site to be very useful for less experienced folks to write crontabs:


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