Wordpress Installation -- Apache Configuration

I'm trying to install Wordpress on my linode per the library guide: http://library.linode.com/web-applicati … /wordpress">http://library.linode.com/web-applications/cms-guides/wordpress.

I'm falling down at "Visit http://ducklington.org in your web browser, and follow the steps outlined by the configuration process." I started apache w/ << apachectl start >>, but my domain showed the default "It works!" page rather than any sort of Wordpress installation tool.

How do I revise my Apache configuration to support this installation and Wordpress more generally?

5 Replies

I installed the LAMP stack first then used FTP to install the wordpress.

You can rebuild from your linode manager to start from the beginning.

Wouldn't a rebuild would wipe out the stuff I've already got on this linode?

It isn't new. I have stuff on this I and would prefer to avoid figuring out how to keep it.


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