Question Regarding MailServer Set Up

I am going to purchase a second linode and run it as a mail server. Few questions.

  • which linode package should I buy considering 10, 15 email inboxes with not more than 100 emails going to and fro with each email.

  • I want all emails to be encrypted and ssl installed

  • Roundcube ? or Squirrel ? or something else ?

  • I am comfortable in using ubuntu so will it suit ?

  • Any definitive guide for these requirements ?

Thank you so much for any help.

6 Replies

1) Start with the 512, probably. E-mail is not very resource-intensive, it's just an administrative pain.

2) You can enable TLS in your mail server, but there is no guarantee that other mail servers will speak TLS. Also, I don't know of any MDAs that support mail encryption when mail is stored.

3) Either should be fine. The web interface is a minor part of the whole thing. Choosing the MTA/MDA and IMAP servers are the key parts.

4) Sure.

5) Use Google Apps.

Thanks hoopycat

Google apps are fantastic but we really want to host our own emails. I am an extreme noob :D so a step by step guide is something I am looking for.

Thanks again.

One of the guides in the linode library would be a good place to start

you should buy ready to user SMTP server, I know a name they provide you managed SMTP server based on mailing capacity. You just order and get smtp server. they managed your email delivery and configure server as you want.

Thanks OBS

Which guide should be followed for Ubuntu 12.04 Long term release ?

Bleh just notice none of them are for 12.04. Pick one of the other Ubuntu ones then yell when you get to something that doesn't work.


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