Accessing my Synology only via my Linode


I'm posting to see if anyone is able to provide any recommendations to the following scenario I wish to achieve.

I currently have a Synology NAS which I wish to be able to access external, but I dont want the Synology to be reachable to everyone on the Internet. Connect to the Synology is an ipcamera, which is one reason why I want to be able to access the Synology externally.

What I'm thinking I should be able to do is connect to my Linode (over vpn) and then from there, connect to my NAS. This would I could then lock down the Synology to be only reachable by my Linode IP, or be only accessible by the internal IP of my Linode, assuming it was on the VPN. So I think this would mean the Synology would need to be connect via VPN to the Linode?

Is the above possible? Any suggestions, tips?

2 Replies

Yup, the conventional way to do this would be through a VPN. If your router supports OpenVPN, this is pretty easy… see this article for setting it up on your Linode's end, and consult your router's docs for how to set that up (e.g. for devices running Mikrotik's RouterOS, see this wiki article).

If your NAS supports IP-based access control, and is reachable from the public Internet already, that could work too.


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