co domain names not playing nice with linux whois

You would think this would work fine:




Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered

with many different competing registrars. Go to

for detailed information.

No match for domain "TESTER.CO".

Last update of whois database: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 01:18:48 UTC <<<

[blah blah]

But when I type;

dig +short cname

Then using that I type this;

whois -h



Domain Name: TESTER.CO

Domain ID: D1568321-CO

Sponsoring Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.

Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 146

Registrar URL (registration services):

Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited

Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited

Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited

Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited

Registrant ID: CR50607358

Registrant Name: Greg Poole

Registrant Organization: Industrial Tests, Inc.

Registrant Address1: 4021 Alvis Court

Registrant Address2: Suite 1

Registrant City: Rocklin

Registrant State/Province: California

Registrant Postal Code: 95677

Registrant Country: United States

Registrant Country Code: US

Registrant Phone Number: +1.9166328378

Registrant Facsimile Number: +1.9166320300

Registrant Email:

Administrative Contact ID: CR50607363

Administrative Contact Name: Greg Poole

Administrative Contact Organization: Industrial Tests, Inc.

Administrative Contact Address1: 4021 Alvis Court

Administrative Contact Address2: Suite 1

Administrative Contact City: Rocklin

Administrative Contact State/Province: California

Administrative Contact Postal Code: 95677

Administrative Contact Country: United States

Administrative Contact Country Code: US

Administrative Contact Phone Number: +1.9166328378

Administrative Contact Facsimile Number: +1.9166320300

Administrative Contact Email:

Billing Contact ID: CR50607367

Billing Contact Name: Greg Poole

Billing Contact Organization: Industrial Tests, Inc.

Billing Contact Address1: 4021 Alvis Court

Billing Contact Address2: Suite 1

Billing Contact City: Rocklin

Billing Contact State/Province: California

Billing Contact Postal Code: 95677

Billing Contact Country: United States

Billing Contact Country Code: US

Billing Contact Phone Number: +1.9166328378

Billing Contact Facsimile Number: +1.9166320300

Billing Contact Email:

Technical Contact ID: CR50607361

Technical Contact Name: Greg Poole

Technical Contact Organization: Industrial Tests, Inc.

Technical Contact Address1: 4021 Alvis Court

Technical Contact Address2: Suite 1

Technical Contact City: Rocklin

Technical Contact State/Province: California

Technical Contact Postal Code: 95677

Technical Contact Country: United States

Technical Contact Country Code: US

Technical Contact Phone Number: +1.9166328378

Technical Contact Facsimile Number: +1.9166320300

Technical Contact Email:

Name Server: NS2.VPWEB.COM

Name Server: NS3.VPWEB.COM

Name Server: NS4.VPWEB.COM

Created by Registrar: INJECTCSR

Last Updated by Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.

Domain Registration Date: Wed Jul 21 20:08:21 GMT 2010

Domain Expiration Date: Sat Jul 20 23:59:59 GMT 2013

Domain Last Updated Date: Thu May 17 04:57:41 GMT 2012

[blah blah]

How do I make it work without having to manually find the correct whois server to query??

Is there a way to convert my thin client to a thick client? Does anyone know of a way to legally circumvent any issues with rate limiting? (I already know the naughty way obviously.)

1 Reply

Sadly, there is no central whois server that can provide answers for all TLDs. Traditional clients would always ask (or if you're old enough!).

Newer replacements come bundled with a lookup table that guesses which whois server to contact based on the request. One of these is called bw-whois - there are other implementations floating about that do the same thing. Look in your distro's repositories for alternative whois clients.


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