Email Service Provider On Linode ?

We are planing to have a phplist and run a small newsletter sending service provider company.

Is it a good idea to have it running here on linode ?

10 Replies

Sure. Keep in mind the following:

  • Getting other mail servers to accept mail from you is a difficult and ongoing task.

  • People get bent out of shape when they don't remember subscribing to your "newsletter"

Read and understand: … -spam-act/"> … mailchimp/">

Thanks for the reply :)

What happens if one of the customer residing on my linode sends too much spam and before I block him out, major mail service providers already have blocked mails coming from me by then ? It will affect other legit customers right ? what can be the remedy for this ? buying new ip from linode ?

I'll really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.

I'm guessing linode won't sell you an IP so you can evade spam checks and continue spamming.

I'm guessing you won't find linode a suitable place to send your spam from.


Thanks for the reply :)

What happens if one of the customer residing on my linode sends too much spam and before I block him out, major mail service providers already have blocked mails coming from me by then ? It will affect other legit customers right ? what can be the remedy for this ? buying new ip from linode ?

I'll really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.

Then tough shit.

Linode won't sell you more IPs because you get caught spamming. Infact, if you get caught spamming, they're likely to kick you out, since you're polluting their (our!) IP space!


I'm guessing linode won't sell you an IP so you can evade spam checks and continue spamming.

I'm guessing you won't find linode a suitable place to send your spam from.

"I am guessing" linode is a suitable place for legitimate businesses. Also "I am guessing" its always better to keep a nicer tone on public forums before judging anybody as spammer. "I am guessing" you are short sighted and unprofessional enough to understand that I won't be posting here in the first place if there was an intention to spam.


Then tough s***.

Linode won't sell you more IPs because you get caught spamming. Infact, if you get caught spamming, they're likely to kick you out, since you're polluting their (our!) IP space!

We wouldn't have our own IP be blacklisted (that is the main purpose of starting this thread), let alone caring about your IP space.


"I am guessing" linode is a suitable place for legitimate businesses. Also "I am guessing" its always better to keep a nicer tone on public forums before judging anybody as spammer. "I am guessing" you are short sighted and unprofessional enough to understand that I won't be posting here in the first place if there was an intention to spam.

I was being gentle, my tone was very nice. You asked if you could buy another ip address when your one got blocked because you were sending "too much spam", the answer is a definite no, there's no guessing about it. Also, "too much spam" is one spam email, you seem to think otherwise, what's too much spam? 10000? 100000?. It's funny that you ask how to evade spam checkers by buying more ip addresses, and then claim you are a legitimate business and not a spammer, so you will have to forgive me, my short sightedness did indeed misunderstand that your spam is professional and legitimate spam.


We wouldn't have our own IP be blacklisted (that is the main purpose of starting this thread), let alone caring about your IP space.

Then why did you ask if you could buy more ip addresses when yours got blacklisted? It's right here in this thread, let me quote it for you


What happens if one of the customer residing on my linode sends too much spam and before I block him out, major mail service providers already have blocked mails coming from me by then ? It will affect other legit customers right ? what can be the remedy for this ? buying new ip from linode ?

So the reason we don't like spammers is 1, we don't like receiving spam, and 2 they "[wouldn't be] caring about [our] IP space"

Before you can treat your spam problem, first you have to admit you're a spammer.

Bwahahahaha, I love how spammers always claim they don't spam. Sure, we all just love spending a huge amount of time and resources in blocking crap mail. If I had a nickel for every email I in theory "opt'd in" for, or was part of a "associate program" I could retire today.

There is NO LEGIT REASON to email newsletters. They're called Blogs or Websites - if your "customers" actually care what you have to say, they'll check in with your website or subscribe to your RSS feed. Anything else is called S P A M. And except for the terminally stupid, no one wants it.

> Before you can treat your spam problem, first you have to admit you're a spammer.

Bwahahahaha, I love how spammers always claim they don't spam. Sure, we all just love spending a huge amount of time and resources in blocking crap mail. If I had a nickel for every email I in theory "opt'd in" for, or was part of a "associate program" I could retire today.

There is NO LEGIT REASON to email newsletters. They're called Blogs or Websites - if your "customers" actually care what you have to say, they'll check in with your website or subscribe to your RSS feed. Anything else is called S P A M. And except for the terminally stupid, no one wants it.

  • the intention is to start a small business such as mailchimp and set it up in a way where customers can't use my system to spam.

  • now you have to admit yourself that you proved yourself to be a moron by judging things wrong.

  • I certainly don't need no-spam certificate from a random linode forum member. your insane opinions don't even matter !


Thanks for the reply :)

What happens if one of the customer residing on my linode sends too much spam and before I block him out, major mail service providers already have blocked mails coming from me by then ? It will affect other legit customers right ? what can be the remedy for this ? buying new ip from linode?

How much spam is "too much spam"? Answer: one message is all it takes. vonskippy seems right to be concerned, given the reply quoted above. To answer your question, if Linode receives complaints about spam originating from your Linode, you will get one, maybe two chances to fix it. After that, rather than selling you a new IP address, they will cancel your account.

> How much spam is "too much spam"? Answer: one message is all it takes. vonskippy seems right to be concerned, given the reply quoted above. To answer your question, if Linode receives complaints about spam originating from your Linode, you will get one, maybe two chances to fix it. After that, rather than selling you a new IP address, they will cancel your account.

thanks for the positive contribution. It makes a lot risky to dive into a business which acts as a gateway for email newsletter. Because then, there is very little control I have to make sure clients don't dump lists of yellow pages and start bragging about their offers and services.


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