Glassfish + MySQL on a Linode 512?


I'm planning a new webapp. This webapp will be a JavaEE app, using a MySQL database and JasperReports. My idea is to use Glassfish as the app server. My plans is that over 40-50 people must be using this app at a time.

Will this configuration work with only 512Mb RAM, or I must upgrade to 1 or 2Gb?

2 Replies

I don't know how much RAM you will need but you can upgrade your plan in a few minutes. So, start with 512MB.

It looks like Glassfish has a 512 meg startup option so being a full JEE server you will probably need more ram. Maybe start with a 768 and see how it goes. Otherwise you'll need to lower Glassfish's startup memory requirement and try that route.

Really for serious JEE stuff (which I'm trying to not do too much of) you will probably need a 1 gig server.


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