Best way to upsize and move data centers?

Hi, I've set up a site on a Linode 512 and will soon (tomorrow, hopefully, clock is ticking…) be ready to upsize it and put it into production. However I've decided that I would like to move data centres at the same time. My first thought is that the simplest/easiest way to do this would be via the backup service - create a backup and copy it to a new larger Linode in the new datacenter. Or is there a better/more standard way?

Thank you for any thoughts on this :)


3 Replies

Open a ticket and we can configure a migration for you. That'll get you the DC move. Then you can resize on the other side.

Or: Add a new Linode but don't deploy anything to it. Use the clone feature to clone your disks from old Linode into the new Linode.

3) ???



PS. The Linode Backup Service won't restore across datacenters (too slow). Restore to same DC then clone.

Thank you, Chris. I'll go with option 1, ticket submitted.

Wow. Migration is already under way… thank you :D


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