Chris, where are you?

Hello? Does anybody see Chris around here? Tell him I'm looking for.

Hello Chris,

Please check the support ticket #2580 for me too. Need an answer real quick.

  • JoJoe

5 Replies

A good place to find him is #linode on the OFTC IRC network ( if you don't have an irc client installed you can use

thank you pal :D

BUT, I have no IRC and kind of busy about domain name was disappear from

Could you guy just tell Chris there's somebody misses him. :cry:


thank you pal :D

BUT, I have no IRC and kind of busy about domain name was disappear from

Could you guy just tell Chris there's somebody misses him. :cry:

heh that is what that web-page was… a web based irc client you can use from your browser.


thank you pal :D

BUT, I have no IRC and kind of busy about domain name was disappear from

Could you guy just tell Chris there's somebody misses him. :cry:

Domain disappearing from godaddy doesn't sound like a Chris/Linode issue. (Plus, it is Sunday night. Give the guy a break.) {smile}

Perhaps with some more info we could help…


Domain disappearing from godaddy doesn't sound like a Chris/Linode issue. (Plus, it is Sunday night. Give the guy a break.)

Thank you so much pal.

Well, let say I have two things to do.

1. Call GoDaddy's support regarding my domain was disappear from thier system?

This has been done already. :D

2. Try to find Chris, give Chris more money by order more Linode from him! :D

I think only Chris will able to create a Linode account for me. So I need him comes hurry get more money from me. :D

Anyway, you are right. I better wait for for Monday. Just hope Chris will able to look at my ticket #2580 But I don't know how long it gonna take?

Thank you for all of your help.


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