Newbie.... Help, Still can't log-in via SSH

I'm unable to login via SSH. The SSH client is Putty. When I try to login with my "username", then when it request my password do I use the "root password" or "signup member password"??

This is what is happening:

First I tried my username and signup member password but it kept asking me for a " Login: " as if I had not already put in a username. When I put in the Login (username) it again prompted me for a password. I put in my member password again, then it said "Incorrect Login.

I completely exited out of Putty then tried again this time using my root password but it said "Access Denied". So neither my username password nor my root password will allow me to login in via SSH. Can someone please advise what might be the problem if neither password allows login?

Thank you!

5 Replies


I'm unable to login via SSH. The SSH client is Putty. When I try to login with my "username", then when it request my password do I use the "root password" or "signup member password"??

This is what is happening:

First I tried my username and signup member password but it kept asking me for a " Login: " as if I had not already put in a username. When I put in the Login (username) it again prompted me for a password. I put in my member password again, then it said "Incorrect Login.

I completely exited out of Putty then tried again this time using my root password but it said "Access Denied". So neither my username password nor my root password will allow me to login in via SSH. Can someone please advise what might be the problem if neither password allows login?

Thank you!

When you login via SSH, you have to login as "root" and then use your root password. Don't use your member name. Also be sure you're logging into your box and not the which is a different thing.

I don't understand how I should login as "root". I thought I was logging in as root using the Thank you, now I know I was not logging into my (box).

Please tell me, to log in as root, does that mean I should be using my (1st IP), or the ( Or, something else altogether.


To login to your linode your should use either the IP address or the lixxx.members…

The username is root and the password is the one you entered when you deployed your distro.

To login to the console you use

The username and password are the one used for the members area.

You will then get to your console screen where you can use the list commands or login to your linode.


Ok, now I understand. Able to enter SSH. Thank you!

Thank you for the help on this. I needed this information also.


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