How to set up my emails

I am new in linux admin / vps but a quick learner and have a programming background.

The email server setup in documentation is really confusing me.

I want to set up my emails in a way where all phpmailing functions in scripts like wordpress / joomla, other famous php scripts, WORKS.

On the other hand, I want to set up user emails to be handled by google apps.

Can a respected experienced gentleman here can give me start ?

Thanks in advance.

4 Replies


Can a respected experienced gentleman here can give me start ?
Sigh - so close, yet so far away.

What distro are you using?

Basically you need to install a send only email server (postfix works well) to send email from php.

For google apps simply set your domain's MX records to what google requires. You will also want to setup a spf record allowing your server to send emails as well as google apps, if you don't know how to set up a spf record then … id/wizard/"> works quite well.

Thanks for the reply. Its ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

How do we compare postfix with other MTAs Is it the best one out there or I have better options as well ?


What distro are you using?

Basically you need to install a send only email server (postfix works well) to send email from php.

For google apps simply set your domain's MX records to what google requires. You will also want to setup a spf record allowing your server to send emails as well as google apps, if you don't know how to set up a spf record then … id/wizard/"> works quite well.

There's several options the most common ones around here are postfix or exim, I use postfix.

Running the following will install postfix for you

echo "postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select Internet Site" | debconf-set-selections
echo "postfix postfix/mailname string localhost" | debconf-set-selections
echo "postfix postfix/destinations string localhost.localdomain, localhost" | debconf-set-selections
aptitude -y install postfix
usr/sbin/postconf -e "inet_interfaces = loopback-only"
service postfix restart


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