File systems

Just wondering if we can select a different filesystem for our Linode (ie: ext3, ReiserFS or whatever.)

2 Replies


Just wondering if we can select a different filesystem for our Linode (ie: ext3, ReiserFS or whatever.)

I don't think that selecting a different file system would be too much of an issue. However I believe with different file systems it becomes impossible to have flexible resize and such like it is with ext3. I'm sure caker may have other reasons as well.

I myself would prefer JFS.

Bill Clinton

I believe all the Linode kernels, including the most recent, contain support for ext2/3 and JFS, but it would be up to you to format and move your files to it.

Instead of reformatting an ext3 filesystem, make sure to create a "RAW" disk image via the control panel, add it to your config and then mkfs.whatever – that way our control panel won't mistake it. But, keep in mind resizes only work on swap and ext2/3 images.



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