
Hi Guys,

Anybody knows how to make localtunnel (http://progrium.com/localtunnel/) work? I'm trying to run a simple Flask script and I want to make it public through localtunnel.


2 Replies

If you're using Flask, you should really put something in front of it which is better at handling lots of connections. Alternatively, you could just configure Flask to listen on a public address/port when it starts up without the need for localtunnel.

I use nginx + GUnicorn for my personal Flask app. I then have supervisord keep tabs on GUnicorn and restart it as needed. If you need something that's going to handle lots of traffic/concurrent connections I would suggest using uWSGI over GUnicorn.


Here's an example Python script showing the first method:

  • http://hastebin.com/kikocasuvu.py



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