Newbie needs help... Unable to log into SSH

I'm sorry if this seems like a simple question but I'm a newbie. I am unable to log into my ssh. It says "access console by connection via SSH to most machine your Linode resides on. Well, my host machine is "11" but what am I to do next.

From FAQ it says: "SSH into the host that your Linode resides on. Use your Member username and password. This connects you directly to your Linode's console terminal."

I've tried 'variations' of the following below but 'none' of them works.

64.62.XX.XX (ip address)


Can somebody Please tell me 'Exactly' what am I supposed to type in to reach (SSH) machine 11 and/or SSH IP?

Am I supposed to download something before I can SSH?

2 Replies


I'm sorry if this seems like a simple question but I'm a newbie. I am unable to log into my ssh. It says "access console by connection via SSH to most machine your Linode resides on. Well, my host machine is "11" but what am I to do next.

From FAQ it says: "SSH into the host that your Linode resides on. Use your Member username and password. This connects you directly to your Linode's console terminal."

I've tried 'variations' of the following below but 'none' of them works.

64.62.XX.XX (ip address)


Can somebody Please tell me 'Exactly' what am I supposed to type in to reach (SSH) machine 11 and/or SSH IP?

Am I supposed to download something before I can SSH?

When you SSH and it asks your IP you simply enter .

It'll boot you, enter your membership password with LINODE and then your root/pass . Like it says, you'll be logged in at the console. This means that even if your eth0 interface, which connects you to the internet, would be down, you would still be able to access your linode via SSH. This is especially useful for doing maintenance, security updates, or whatever other reason you may have. Hope this helps.



64.62.XX.XX (ip address)


Erm, SSH is not HTTP!!!

SSH is its own protocol that requires its own servers, and clients. The linode server you need to connect to already runs the SSH server. You just need an SSH client to connect.

On linux you can simply do:

bash$ ssh

(you may need to install the OpenSSH client, check your distribution for whatever correct packages are needed, most distributions come with SSH by defualt.)

On windows, you wil need to download Putty

And then you will need to enter in the Server Address field, and you will need to select the SSH protocol.

OS-X comes with the OpenSSH client. You will need to go to Mac HD –> Applications --> Utilities --> Terminal, and then follow the instructions for linux.


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