Xfree86 Server

I was wondering if there would be something that would stop me from running an XFree86 server on my Linode. If not, what video card should I select and any other info I might need?

3 Replies

Linode Staff

I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to X, but I can take a stab…

I'm sure you're aware you can run VNC which runs it's own X server (Xvnc), or set your DISPLAY env var to point to your own machine when running X apps,…

So as far as running XFree itself on the Linode, there is no video card emulation or VGA driver. So the next option would be to use a framebuffer device, and I'm not aware of the existence of one for UML. There was some discussion about this in #linode today, actually -- others might have more suggestions…

What are you trying to accomplish, exactly?



I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to X, but I can take a stab…

I'm sure you're aware you can run VNC which runs it's own X server (Xvnc), or set your DISPLAY env var to point to your own machine when running X apps,…

So as far as running XFree itself on the Linode, there is no video card emulation or VGA driver. So the next option would be to use a framebuffer device, and I'm not aware of the existence of one for UML. There was some discussion about this in #linode today, actually -- others might have more suggestions…

What are you trying to accomplish, exactly?


I'm looking to run something like Window Maker with Ethereal, and whatever else I find hard to replace in windows.


Well, all things aside, even if you do run VNC, it won't be too fast since it's gotta constantly send the screen through the connection, etc, but the best way to do it is with the TightVNC package.


I'd say give that a shot and see how it works out for you, as it emulates it's own output, etc. All you'd need is a VNC Viewer (Which you can get in the RealVNC package for windows)

– Griswald


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