Hi, I've been using Linode for several years, and around may I started receiving less and less emails from my site (it's always been problematic - with people often never receiving access codes for classified ads posted on wordpress, site registration emails - it's now escalated to the point where when I submit a test email via my contact form it doesnt even appear in my mail.log)
/var/log/mail.err - http://pastebin.com/x3xCfAxw
/var/log/mail.log - http://pastebin.com/wCkr4jeP
/var/log/mail.info - http://pastebin.com/DP3bAyfy
/var/log/auth.log - http://pastebin.ca/2177072
/etc/postfix/main.cf - http://pastebin.ca/2177073
/etc/postfix/master.cf - http://pastebin.ca/2177074
root@server1:~# hostname -f
I am able to receive mail fine using the command
root@server1:~# echo "test message blah blah" | mail -s "test message" mark@cravenpublishing.com