How do I properly quit a screen session?

I'm using Konsole on KDE to SSH into Linode to the "screen" session of my Linode's console. That all works fine and I can log in and out. :D

But I can't figure out a proper way to exit the screen session. The Quit command (C-a C-) doesn't work, nor does the suspend command (C-a z). I can simply close the Konsole window, but I'm not sure that's really "proper." What am I missing? :?:

8 Replies


I'm using Konsole on KDE to SSH into Linode to the "screen" session of my Linode's console. That all works fine and I can log in and out. :D

But I can't figure out a proper way to exit the screen session. The Quit command (C-a C-) doesn't work, nor does the suspend command (C-a z). I can simply close the Konsole window, but I'm not sure that's really "proper." What am I missing? :?:

I'm not sure I'm answering the question you're asking, but have you tried typing "exit"? (It's always a good idea to get the "is it plugged in?" questions out of the way first.)


Linode Staff

C-a d detaches and takes you back to Lish, then "d" to disconnect.


update: fixed typo

I've had times when my connection got interrupted while using the console, and upon reconnecting it thinks I’m still logged in and won't time out for a few hours…

So if you’re unable to get back in through SSH, in that sort of situation you’re stuck :-(

How long is the timeout on that session? Any way anyone can think of to have it drop the connection? Maybe have an option appear when that error reports an existing connection to give you the ability to take over and drop the other?

Just an idea

Linode Staff

Check it out now…

[RETURN] to continue, [k]ill active screen sessions, [d]isconnect:


The good news: I created a second ssh session and saw the new options - very nice, Chris. Your support is fantastic.

The bad news: I tried "C-a a" and then "d" and the only thing that happens is a "d" appears after the login: prompt.

I'm sitting at a fairly generic Mandrake 9.1 machine running KDE. I tried this in Konsole, a Gnome Terminal (still under KDE, not Gnome) and Xterm, all with the same results. Closing these programs seems to not have any ill effects. But I sure wish I could quit properly.

Any idea what might be wrong? Am I just being idiotic?

ctrl-a d to detach from screen.

I'm not sure how I misread Chris the first time. Thanks. :!:


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