Linode resolvers vs own resolver


I've always followed the official Linode guide to use the two DNS resolvers listed in 'Remote Access' in /etc/resolv.conf




options rotate

I built a new Linode yesterday, and the resolver was set to I assume this is pointing at an internal daemon on the Linode.

Is there an advantage to either one? Perhaps the second method caches?

8 Replies

It looks like points to somewhere in Linode's internal (private IP) network, rather than your Linode.

Since no one from Linode has chimed in with the official story, I'll add my 0.02 ameros.

My guess is that it's a misconfiguration, either 1.) An internal setting that leaked out when Linode built the disk image, 2.) A DHCP mistake, 3.) Some sort of bizarre distro mistake, or 4.) Something you accidentally did.

If it's reproducible – e.g. with a new, virgin disk image -- I'd file a ticket.

Edit: From my node in Dallas, is accessible but does not have an accessible DNS resolver.

I may file a ticket as mnordhoff suggests. I think there is some borkage on what gets used as a hostname too.

The default hostname should be the boring li123-456 one based on your IP address and its default rDNS, set by the DHCP client. What's wrong?

I believe it got set as localhost.localdomain on one and the full on another. I'm setting up a new one in a few days, so I'll check and open a ticket if it is strange.

Is there any problem with having a hostname as the full vs li123-456 ?

Some distributions, depending on their init system, don't always play nicely when it comes to having their hostname set by DHCP. Usually due to an unavoidable race condition. The systems boot too fast for their own good. :D

Re: Resolver – it may be an artifact left over from when the image was built. However, if you are using DHCP the file should be overwritten. It's quite possible, however, that the file will be altered if you switch to static IP addresses. If you made this change, you should be manually setting your resolv.conf file anyhow.


Is there any problem with having the hostname as localhost? I don't plan on using that in production, just seemed to be the default today.


Is there any problem with having the hostname as localhost? I don't plan on using that in production, just seemed to be the default today.

No, some distributions default to this if no hostname is set and if one cannot be obtained by DHCP. Your best bet is to set one manually as part of your system's configuration.



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