Need help setting up Virtual Hosting on my Linode

Hi there

I have a Linode but am not technical enough to set up the virtual hosting on my Linode.

I have two websites being completed now by my developer and he can upload to the Lindoe but also decant set up the Vortual Hosting.

Can someone please quote me to set the VH for these two sites?

I will have further work later on as I add more sites etc but just this litttle job for now.



4 Replies


but also he can't set up the Virtual Hosting.
That's just sad. What type of "developer" doesn't understand virtual hosting?

I'm guessing he's actually a web designer, one of those foo foo graphic designers that if there's not a control panel, they're clueless.

In any case, you're going to have to provide more info if you want specific advice on setting up virtual hosts. It's not that hard to do yourself. Post your OS version, and what web engine you're using and you'll get more help.

//of course if you have any connections to CasaMagna I'd be happy to set it up for you//

Just read de linode library.

Leele la libreria de Linode.


OS Version: Ubuntu 10.04

Both sites are developed in Wordpress, so the databases need to be set up as well.


If you're using (or intend to use) Apache, you can find a guide to set this up here: … 0.04-lucid">

If you're using (or intend to use) nginx, a similar guide can be found here: … 0.04-lucid">

In both cases, you get instructions for installing and setting up the web server software, PHP and MySQL (including setting up virtual hosts and create databases).


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