Redis on its own Linode?

I have this setup here on Linode today

1 node for the app

1 node for the db

1 node for bgjobs (yes, this may be a bit overkill but still)

I'm wondering if it's advicable to have Redis on the same Linode as the bgjobs?

The bgjobs runs once a day for 15 minutes (low hours of my traffic) and once per hour with a not too straneous job, in particular the job isn't memory heavy, just processing heavy.

So, need I use a solitary server (linode) for Redis or what do you guys think?

Need I worry about any "latency" between the linode of the app, serving the requests, and the Redis linode? I think not since it's working fine with the db today but on the other hand, the db isn't being hit as much as the redis will be hit in my new setup.

Thanks for the help.

5 Replies

Well Jesus Christ Superstar, 90 views for this question and no replies.

Is it the summer slowdown or is it that my question was so off the charts stupid?

Well, in my case, I don't know what redis is, and googling it doesn't seem to give any indication of how it's useful when the same thing can be accomplished with any SQL server and a HEAP/MEMORY table, but it seems to me that your bgjobs should be running on your app server, and your redis stuff should be running on your db server.

Well, I want to thank you for giving it a shot anyways.

Running a redis on a 512 here. It gets about 5-10 requests per second from another node in the same data center.

I run Redis with PHP-FPM/Nginx/MySQL all on the same 512. Redis acts as a cache and session store in this case. Another case runs Nginx/NodeJS/Redis where redis is the main datastore, again on a 512.

In other words you really don't need to stick it on a separate box, redis is single threaded so you won't chew up your CPU, disk IO is negligible, the only problems you will have is if you start to max out your memory. Putting redis on a separate box does make upgrading easier since you don't have to take everything else offline while you resize your Linode.


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