Hosting Multiple Websites

Hi Everyone,

I have just bought my first linode and i am going about setting up the various websites that i control. I am relatively new linux and server admin, so I am hoping to get a few pointers from the pros in this community.

I have used the linode documentation to help me set up one of my websites. My question is if I want to host 2 or more websites, is it good practice to host them all on the same distro like the documentation makes reference too or should i create separate disrtos for each of the websites i want to host?

Could someone explain to me what the advantage/disadvantage of each would be?




I have searched this forum and several others so I apologise in advance if this question has already come up.

2 Replies

Hosting more than one website on a single distro/server is quite common, and "good practice" is only limited to how you configure it.

To host a second website on the same server, simply add another virtual host to your server config. You can find the guide for your distro here: (if you installed Apache) (if you installed nginx)

If you're hosting an HTTPS site, however, the best practice is to host it on an isolated server (no other websites, applications or data other than what needs to be processed/stored by the SSL site), especially if you're dealing with highly sensitive information.

Hi NeonNero,

Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to make sure that i was adhering to good practice as this is the first time i have had full control over my server.




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