Xen kernel on Debian Wheezy


I installed Debian 6 from the linode manager and updated it to the frozen testing repository (Debian Wheezy). Now, i need some specific kernel modules such as soundcore to create a virtual Alsa loopback device. As far as i can see, there is no linux-image-xen-amd64 package in the wheezy repositories. Instead, the description of linux-image-amd64 reads that it should also work on a xen hypervisor.

When following the tutorial in the linode library, i get the following error message multiple times after a reboot: > Failed to read /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1039/51712/feature-flush-cache.

Also, my partition is being detected as ext2fs, en due to several other errors during the bootup process, the filesystem is sometimes mounted as read-only and sometimes not. Do i have to enable something specifically in order to let the xen hypervisor support of my kernel work? Or isn't it possible to accomplish my goals this way?

Thanks in advance,


4 Replies

Try setting barrier=0 as a mount option in /etc/fstab the newer distro kernels (3.2+ I think) require this.

Thanks, i will give that a try. Could i safely assume that a non-xen-ready kernel wouldn't fully boot at all? If so, i guess the xen support works fine.

Unfortunately, this doesn't improve anything. I hope to be able to give more log materials tomorrow.

I've not tried debian wheezy I have used ubuntu 12.04 and 10.04 using the latest kernels, the standard kernel should have xen support a non-xen kernel normally doesn't do anything, xen complains about it being non-xen.

Whats the output you see in lish?


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