Connection refused on

Hitting my head against a brick wall here.

I have Tomcat 6 installed on Ubuntu 12.04 and serving pages locally using both localhost and on port 8080.

I get connection refused when trying over the web though. It was working fine with Apache on 8080, which I subsequently purged just to make sure it's not interfering.

I'm new to Linux so don't really know where to turn next. I can ping the server across web so it looks like a port issue.

As I said, it serves pages locally and I can see the port using netstat -anlp|grep 8080

tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 3626/java

Is that IP Address/port of :::8080 normal or part of the problem?

Many thanks in advance


======================== SOLVED ========================

When going through the initial security instructions I had not explicitly added 8080 to be allowed through the firewall.

It worked with Apache because it was using 80 - I think

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