Just installed Webmin Control Panel, how do I log in?

Hello all,

I am very new to taking care of my own Linode, any help will be greatly appreciated.

I just installed Webmin Control Panel following the instructions set forth here;

http://library.linode.com/web-applicati … ing-webmin">http://library.linode.com/web-applications/control-panels/webmin/installing-webmin

It said my Webmin install was complete, and provided me with a link from where I could log in, but that link does not work.

Linode support said that my Webmin configuration is incorrect.

Can someone please help with how to log in?


17 Replies

You have provided no information whatsoever with which to make a diagnosis. What happens when you try to log in? Does the connection time out? Do you get an error message? What distro are you running. Do you have a firewall installed? Give us something to work with.

My apologies, like I said, I am very new to this.

This is the message I got in terminal after I finished the installation;

Webmin install complete. You can now login to https://site:10000/

as root with your root password, or as any user who can use sudo

to run commands as root.

I am running Ubuntu.

When I go to this link; https://site:10000/ in Chrome, this is the message I get;

This webpage is not available

The server at saint can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.

Here are some suggestions:

Reload this webpage later.

Check your Internet connection. Restart any router, modem, or other network devices you may be using.

Check your DNS settings. Contact your network administrator if you're not sure what this means.

Try disabling network prediction by following these steps: Go to the wrench menu > Settings > Show advanced settings… and deselect "Predict network actions to improve page load performance." If this does not resolve the issue, we recommend selecting this option again for improved performance.

Add Google Chrome as a permitted program in your firewall's or antivirus software's settings. If it is already a permitted program, try deleting it from the list of permitted programs and adding it again.

If you use a proxy server, check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server, adjust your proxy settings: Go to Applications > System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies and deselect any proxies that have been selected.

Error 105 (net::ERRNAMENOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address.

If you need any further information, please just let me know.

Thank you.

Also, I am not running a firewall.

replace saint with your linode's ip address and it should work


Also, I am not running a firewall.

I hope you're not running anything at all then, otherwise without a firewall your box will get compromised in no time.



Also, I am not running a firewall.

I hope you're not running anything at all then, otherwise without a firewall your box will get compromised in no time.

I may have misunderstood, I am not running a firewall on my computer, but I assume my former web admin setup a firewall for my linode as I have never had any security issues.

Then if you have a firewall (iptables) running on your Linode, you will need to allow TCP 10000 (preferable just from your home/office IP) in order to connect to Webmin.

Thanks vonskippy.

Can you guide me on how to do that?

Is this something I do to my router? Or to my linode?

I'm not the one to ask Ubuntu questions (all my servers use RHEL/CENTOS), so hopefully someone else will chime in.

I think Ubuntu uses 'ufw' as their iptables front end.

You just need to be careful not to lock yourself out.

Basically you want to add a rule like the rule you must already have for SSH (except you want to allow TCP10000 instead of TCP22).

Here's a link about 'ufw' basics - but there might be newer/better ones.


Hi vonskippy,

Thanks for the information, ufw wasn't working but was able to edit iptables regardless. This rule has been added;

ACCEPT tcp – anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:webmin

However, I am still unable to connect to Webmin :(

So far I have tried to log into Webmin with the following links;




if I check my /etc/hosts file, this is what I get;

ipaddressofsite sitename site

Not sure what other combinations to try. Again, would be grateful for any support.

How (and where) did you add the rule?

Here's an example of my notes log from one of my CentOS boxes..


(add following rules - type in one at a time - then remember to save)

iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -i ! lo -d -j REJECT

iptables -A INPUT -m state –state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

iptables -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -s <> -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -s <> -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 12005 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT

iptables -A FORWARD -j REJECT

iptables -L -v (flush = iptables -F)

service iptables save (which saves to: /etc/sysconfig/iptables)

I've changed webmin's port to 12005 instead of 10000 to avoid the various script kiddie attempts.

I thought I added the rule to iptables, but everytime I reboot my Linode, it disappears.

I think I am going to pay a system admin to do this for me as this is much to complex for my Ubuntu acumen. I just don't want to damage my Linode.

Thank you to everyone who helped.



lol, just installed it now. and nearly had a heart attack when I saw the URL that Webmin was asking me to log into. https://hostname:10000. When my pulse returned to normal, using my IP instead made it work.

vonskippy, where did you change the port number? I've done that for my ISPConfig, but haven't as yet for Webmin. Nevermind, found it




I thought I added the rule to iptables, but everytime I reboot my Linode, it disappears.

I think I am going to pay a system admin to do this for me as this is much to complex for my Ubuntu acumen. I just don't want to damage my Linode.

Thank you to everyone who helped.



Copy the line that has port 443, paste it underneath and change the port number to 10000. Save the file, then go back to the Securing Your Server Guide to see how you load your rules into IPTABLES



If you need to use Webmin , have it listen on localhost only and do some SSH forwarding trickery to access it. Webmin being available on a public IP address is a huge security risk.


Thanks for the further information Napolean & Tim.


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