setting linode

HI, i have been using linux quite a long time, but never set it from scratch.

I have linode and installed debian small, now i am trying to install gcc and rest of the trail of servers.

could not find CC…. so gcc compilation cannot proceed.

How can i proceed with it?

(just a list of servers, pacakages would be informative)

Can you provide me with the list of installations i should make?

I want mail server with web interface and POP3, Apache, PHP, MySql, DNS, Webmin etc.

I want to use the same distro i have choose (dabian small).

Thank You in advance.


4 Replies


HI, i have been using linux quite a long time, but never set it from scratch.

I have linode and installed debian small, now i am trying to install gcc and rest of the trail of servers.

could not find CC…. so gcc compilation cannot proceed.

How can i proceed with it?

You need to run apt-setup and add some apt sources to your system. Once you have done that you can do apt-get install gcc which will install gcc for you . You many need some other packages like: autoconf, automake, autotools, binutils, g++, libc6-dev, make, various -dev libraries and much more.

Bill Clinton

Note that if your purpose for installing gcc is to compile a webserver, database, etc., you don't need to do so; Debian has prebuilt packages for most of the common options and many of the uncommon ones. Of course, Debian stable doesn't have the latest versions, but there are a couple of options.

The first is to run a mixed stable/testing system. "Testing" is what will be the next stable release of Debian, and at this point is pretty up-to-date. … et.en.html"> is a pretty good overview of how to setup apt, and discusses how to run a mixed system.

Another option is use "backports". Many people have built current versions of software that will run on Debian stable (aka woody). See for a searchable list of backports (and other unofficial Debian packages.)


its been some time, is down.

so you cannot get packages from Otherwise,

getting binutils binaries would have been a way to get

bootstrap compiler.



its been some time, is down.

so you cannot get packages from

While is not available, that has nothing to do with being able to install debian packages. The mirrors are running as well as ever, and wasn't compromised (not that it's generally accessible anyway.)


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