Python 2.7 on Debian - Is this a good solution?

I want to install Python 2.7 on my Debian Squeeze server in a virtualenv. Since squeeze doesnt come with 2.7 I need to install it manually. Doing this is quite involved, and even though I have managed, the script is a bit ugly.

Is it a good idea to do this:

> # /etc/apt/sources.list
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb experimental main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib

aptitude update
aptitude install python2.7

Then set the debian default to 2.6 as it was before, and then point to the 2.7 install for my virtualenv.

Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated, to me it seems elegant, but it may not be.


2 Replies

I think the question is why do you need Python 2.7?



Is it a good idea to do this:

> # /etc/apt/sources.list
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb experimental main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib

aptitude update
aptitude install python2.7

No. Download the source and compile manually, if you need python2.7.


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