Sites Running Slow
It appears that the delay is between clicking the page in favorites and the actual domain name displaying in the url bar. Once the url is in place in the url bar the site loads fast.
where do I start in working out
A) if there is a problem
B) Correcting the problem.
This appears to be the slowest site :
4 Replies
This appears to be the slowest site : Hi, I just tried to access your site, but it looks like things are completely down right now:~~[ " target="_blank"> ]( …"> ](
Is there anything new going on with resource utilization on your server? To rule out external factors, are things like ping times and transmission speed still the same?
This sounds like either:
1. Apache/Nginx is handing on requests
2. PHP is running very slowly holding up the request
To rule out 2, if you copy all of the source of the HTML (go to View Source on the homepage, copy all the code, and create a file in your Document Root called test.html (or simular). Go to the webpage but with /test.html instead, and see how quick the page runs, if it's instant, then its probably PHP, if its still slow then it seems to be your Web Server. Can you then post you Web Server Configuration.