Note: current (as of 11/26) gentoo ebuild issue and fix

At least for now, if you do an 'emerge sync' then try to build/rebuild an ebuild, you will receive a failure as such:

/usr/sbin/ /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass: line 977: syntax error near unexpected token `)'

/usr/sbin/ /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass: line 977: ` gzip*)'

Someone forgot the syntax for 'case'. Just insert ';;' on line 977 to correct the case, pushing the current 977 down a line. A diff would be too complex for this :p.



tail -n +${skip} ${src} | bzip2 -dc | tar -xf -


---after--- bzip2*)

tail -n +${skip} ${src} | bzip2 -dc | tar -xf -




You should be golden at this point.


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