Installing Varnish
I am a newbie trying to install varnish as per
I am using port 8080 as opposed to 8000 in the link.
When I run the command netstat -lp | grep apache2 in SSH I get:
tcp 0 0 localhost.loca:http-alt : LISTEN
as opposed to
tcp 0 0 localhost:8080 : LISTEN 4586/apache2
…just wondering what the http-alt is and if I need to change it and where?
1 Reply
To use -n flag to show everything nummeric. A netstat-command I find easy to remember and that shows pretty much everything you want is netstat -tulpen
EDIT: If you want to know more about the names (http-alt) look at /etc/services. eg: "grep http-alt /etc/services"