Who can I pay to help me with a potential malware attack?


I have been alerted of a possible malware attack in my instance on Linode.

Support has said they are unable to help me and have said "You'll likely want to investigate your Linode's logs and configurations to determine the cause of this issue and correct it. In the event that your Linode has been compromised, we recommend backing up your data via Rescue Mode and redeploying using clean disk image."

Unfortunately I don't have the technical ability to do any of that. I'm the business owner and am in sales & admin, not in IT. So Support suggested hat I "reach out to our active user community, either for direct assistance or to recommend a 3rd party management service."

So, who can I pay to help me confirm that there is a malware issue and then correct it if necessary?

Thanks in advance,


3 Replies

Can't anybody help me with this?

Are there no services or individuals that provide this sort of support?

Maybe this thread will help:


That guy was highly recommended by the SliceHost Crowd too.

Thank you so much, vonskippy!


Maybe this thread will help:


That guy was highly recommended by the SliceHost Crowd too.


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