
I'm wondering if it's possible to get any sort of comission for new

customers you referr to linode.

You see, I run a free shells provider, and I rigoursly screen my applicants. This means I have some good users…. and a decent

few of them have expressed interest in signing up for a linode account.

I know one of them who signed up awhile ago, another who just told

me that they're signing up today, and I'm unsure but I think I remember more of this going on in the past.

I don't expect there to be a comission service, and I might not use it

even if there were (I hate having corperate ties)… however linode's

service is so good (if you ignore the occasionally HORRIBLE time I have

connecting to my linode when it stones out for reasons as yet undetermined) that I'd be happy to reccomend them to others who

specifically asked.

Quite a few were surprised how little I was paying for such an extensive

set of features….

Is there a referral program? If there isn't, could there be?

Hm, actually, come to think of it seems to be growing so fast anyway that it probably doesn't need the additional user load ;D


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