Advantages of PHP Web Development

PHP, which is also known as Pearl Hypertext Preprocessor is a scripting language, designed majorly for the web development purposes. The applications made on PHP are generally found on the Linux servers and use MYSQL as a database.

PHP web development can be more profitable for your business due to its following benefits:

1.Run faster on the internet and easily integrate AJAX, Callback etc.

2.Free on the internet and Provide C++ syntax foundation

3.Supports many operating systems, such as Windows, Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X etc.

4.Syntax rules of PHP language are not that complicated for solve errors easily

And more…

9 Replies

This is a PearlHP thread, vonskippy, not a Python thread.


This is a PearlHP thread, vonskippy, not a Python thread.

Could a site like mine

easily be built using only PHP? I might convert from Python with its simple multiprocessor parallel processing to PHP if it can be used for scientific and engineering computing as easily as is done with Python.


PHP's multithreading support is standard POSIX, so you can do whatever, but it's not necessarily helping you make it easy.

easier said than done still. nasty, nasty stuff.

I'm a bit confused here… Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems just like forum spam to me, or isn't it? WOT agrees with me that the site in the OP's signature ( is a domain being spammed a lot.

The site is actually being hosted on a Linode. Is that accepted by Linode regulations/TOS?


I'm a bit confused here… Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems just like forum spam to me, or isn't it? WOT agrees with me that the site in the OP's signature ( is a domain being spammed a lot.

The site is actually being hosted on a Linode. Is that accepted by Linode regulations/TOS?
so long as nothing illegal is occuring using the 'node…what happens on it is the responsibility of the admin, even if it's being spammed. if it were being used to distribute malware, that's not okay, but this, meh, that's not linode's problem.


I'm a bit confused here… Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems just like forum spam to me, or isn't it?

Oh it's not you, it's spam….

Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!

Apparently whoever cleans up this forum left their Viking hat at the cleaners and did NOT catch it.

The OP started getting replies within 20 minutes of posting. Linode deletes spam, but it seems not after it has got a reply.


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