Network Performance

I have a Linode in London and am wondering about the network performance.

I am unable to exceed 50 Mb/s outbound (tested with 3 remote at same time).

Inbound is at 200+ (tested with 1 remote).

Is this typical for Linode in the UK or is it just mine?

4 Replies

Outbound traffic is rate limited to 50 Mb/s as a safety measure. You can get it raised by opening a ticket, but they like to see evidence of need in past usage (or you need to make a good case).

I don't really need it because the VPS is mainly just for my use. I'll ask.

Note that, at 50 Mb/s, it takes less than 9 hours to send 200 GB. That's why we tend to call it a safety cap…

For short term use, they'll bump you up to something like 150 without demonstrating need (need to copy data to new linode was something we did once as a reason), but long-term you need to demonstrate you're actually being bottlenecked by it. They are willing to fudge it a bit (I got them to bump it from 50 to 60 permanently with "VPN of 60 meg cable line" as the reason), but they won't give a big boost long-term unless you're maxing it out.


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