Which Panel is best for linode VPS?

Hi man,

Is there anybody could give me some advice for "which panel is the best for linode vps" because I have not experience for vps so I think one panel is better for me to run the website.

Now I am trying to use kloxo on my vps but when I configure the domain, it always to have one error alert:"Alert: To map an IP to a domain, the domain must ping to the same IP, otherwise, the domain will stop working. The domain you are trying to map this IP to, doesn't resolve back to the IP, and so it cannot be set as the default domain for the IP. " So is there anybody have same errors, please?

You also can visit my website www.voguefirst.com to check the kloxo tips which I have not configure the domain correct.

Thanks in advance.

4 Replies

Most people here don't use a control panel so you might not get much help with this.

From the sounds of the error message it sounds like you have not set up DNS correctly for your domain. In order to fix it login to your domain registrars control panel and set the nameservers to the following:






then once that is done login into the Linode control panel and configure the DNS for your domain correctly using the Linode DNS manager.

Your DNS stuff looks fine to me, at least from the outside world.

The domain is pointed to the right place:

voguefirst.com.        172800  IN  NS  ns1.linode.com.
voguefirst.com.        172800  IN  NS  ns2.linode.com.
voguefirst.com.        172800  IN  NS  ns3.linode.com.
voguefirst.com.        172800  IN  NS  ns4.linode.com.
voguefirst.com.        172800  IN  NS  ns5.linode.com.
;; Received 349 bytes from 2001:503:231d::2:30#53(b.gtld-servers.net) in 130 ms

And the A records look right:

rtucker@witte:~$ dig +short voguefirst.com
rtucker@witte:~$ dig +short www.voguefirst.com

Out of curiosity, what does 'dig +short voguefirst.com' and 'dig +short www.voguefirst.com' report from your Linode itself? And, does Kloxo know about voguefirst.com and has it told your web server about it?

First, thanks Cromulent & hoopycat reply.

Second, about the name server, does it have to been set 5? If it's ok only set up 2 or 3 ?

Third, sorry, I don't understand "'dig +short voguefirst.com" means because English is not our mother language and I am not familiar with VPS.

Forth, is there anybody could tell me if I have to set "Reverse DNS"? If it's related with my error, please?

Setting up only 2 or 3 name servers is fine, you need at least two.

dig +short voguefirst.com is the command to run on your server to check where it points to.

Your rDNS is pointed to www.voguefirst.com so looks fine to me :)


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