Citadel - Running alongside Apache - Service won't start


I've followed the guide and tried to install Citadel on port 8080.

The service NEVER starts - I'm sure it's not installing properly but I'm not sure where to look for the errors. A complete newbie question but where would the log be (or is it possible to start a service with verbose output??

I looked in /var/logs/ and can't see anything for citadel.

Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ... 30937 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace citadel-server 7.86-1 (using .../citadel-server_7.86-1_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement citadel-server ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
Setting up citadel-server (7.86-1) ...
applying your settings.
Setup is finished, but the Citadel server failed to start.
Go back and check your configuration.

Doing some Googling I found that it might need the ProxyPass enabled so I did this and restarted (including Apache) and even tried a purge and reinstall.

I realise the above isn't going to give anyone the information to help me fix it but I can't even get the errors!! So what I need is a pointer to how / where I can get the reasons for the service failing.

Any pointers much appreciated.

2 Replies

Mmm after an unrelated reboot seems it wanted port 80 as it blocked Apache from it.

I've removed it for safety for now.


apt-get purge citadel-suite

apt-get autoremove

Last time I did this the reinstall didn't give me the port options which I assume is because there is a config file that I haven't removed. What do I need to clean up?

For anyone else with issues.. that didn't kill the service.

apt-get purge citadel-server

apt-get purge citadel-client

… still monitoring now.


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