Fremont Network Issue : 6/15/2012

anyone else affected by the fremont network issue today? 6/15/2012

"We are aware of a temporary networking issue in our Fremont facility. Our network administrators are working now to restore full connectivity as quickly as possible. Your patience is greatly appreciated."

2 Replies

I didn't notice any issues. Where did you see that message?

It was most likely a response to a ticket he generated.

I had (but did not notice) a packet loss issue sometime after 18:00 (MST) today that lasted for a short while.

~~![](<URL url=)" />

Had something similar a week or two ago which I did report with a similar response. That one lasted about 1/2 hour and was just upstream from Linode.

For the most part since I started with Linode this has not been a problem. I've only seen it a few times.~~


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