Frequent 'connection reset by peer'


I am new to Linode, and am using bash in OS X to SSH to my node, but from time to time, the connection just closes itself and says 'connection reset by peer'. I wonder what could cause this behavior, and more specifically, could it be limited to SSH or all connections (HTTP, HTTPS, etc) to my node in general? Thanks.

3 Replies

Are you sure your connection isn't just timing out?


Are you sure your connection isn't just timing out?

How long is the default time-out? I am pretty sure that the lengths of time of inactivity before 'connection reset by peer' are different from time to time. Sometimes I get disconnected 5 mins after logged on, and I was doing stuff in the terminal for at least 4 out of that 5 mins.

Besides time-out, any other possible cause for such disconnection? thanks.

You could make sure that TCP KeepAlives are enabled for SSH on your local machine as well as within the Linode. You can set a KeepAlive packet to be sent every minute or so.



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